Lady Warriors VS Delhi

Join us for the NCLUSD Annual Back to School Festival on Saturday, July 31 at the McConnell Center, 1348 Patchett Drive
Time: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Come visit school and community booths for information on the 2021-2022 school year and services available to Newman residents.
Raffle Prizes, Free Food, Music, Games

Miss Newman Information

Summer camp is in full swing at Orestimba.

Orestimba Prom 2021

We will be having a one-hour resume writing workshop today at 6:00pm via Zoom. This workshop is open to all grade levels (grades 9-12). Even if you already have a resume, the presenter will go over many tips and tricks of how to make yours stand out.

TOSCA Top 20
Join us to celebrate TOSCA’s Top 20 of each class via Zoom this Friday May 7th at 2 PM!

Summer Camp is coming to Orestimba. Please fill out the form below to enroll in a summer camp. These are hands-on enrichment classes.

Reminder that Spring Break begins tomorrow, April 2nd. No school through April 9th. See everyone back on Monday, April 12th!

Spring Break Meal Kits will be distributed today, Wednesday, March 31 from 11:00am-12:00pm. 1 Kit per Child, no pre-registration necessary; first come, first served. Meal Kits can be picked up at Von Renner, Hunt, Barrington & Yolo. USDA Boxes will also be distributed Wednesday, March 31st.

We will be going live at 6:50 pm on Facebook tonight for the Orestimba vs Denair Varsity Football Game. Watch it live at https://www.facebook.com/orestimbawarri1

New Meal Distribution Schedule Beginning March 15, 2021 for all schools.

Due to restrictions put in place by Stanislaus County and the State of California, our March 15th reopening day has been postponed until March 22nd, for our Blended Learning Model at Orestimba.
Although Covid-19 case numbers have dropped significantly in Stanislaus County over the past four weeks, we have not been able to move to the Red Tier for our secondary schools to reopen.
We are still preparing for our student’s safe return and are looking forward to having our Warriors back on campus with us.

Support the class of 2022.

Reminder, no school Thursday 2/11, Friday 2/12, or Monday 2/15. Have a restful 5-day weekend!

Cross Country, Track, Coed Golf and Tennis will begin soon. If your student is interested in playing one of these sports, please have them email the
corresponding coach.
Cross Country-Scott Felber sfelber@nclusd.k12.ca.us
Track- Charles Kothenbeutel ckothenbeutel@nclusd.k12.ca.us
Girls/Boys Golf- Mark May mmay@nclusd.k12.ca.us
Tennis- Van Felber vfelber@nclusd.k12.ca.us

Do you need a fun way to kick off your weekend? Today at 3:15 Mr. Loo will be doing a half hour "mini" rave set to get your weekend pumped.
841 7119 7137

OHS Seniors:
The Jostens Spring Graduation Order Hotline is available Thursday (1/14) from 4:00-7:00 PM, or Saturday (1/16) from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. Please call (559) 275-2800 during these hours if you have any questions about graduation orders or need assistance placing an order. You may also order online at any time by clicking this link.
Jostens Fresno Office
(559) 275-2800

Meals are available for curbside pickup Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 am - 12 pm at Hunt, Barrington, Von Renner and Yolo; Lunch Menu for January 13-22

As a reminder, Second Semester starts tomorrow, Wednesday, January 6th. It is a regularGold Day (B Day), periods 5, 6, 7, and 8.