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In order to create a collaborative learning environment for our students, the Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District is providing every student with a Chromebook to use in the classrooms. This environment will allow teachers to implement transformative uses of technology in order to increase student engagement with content. The use of technology in the classroom will transform students into life-long learners and into producers of information.
The Chromebook device is property of NCLUSD. Students will use technology for educational activities. The supplied device will provide each student access to educational materials needed for each student to be successful. The Chromebook allows student access to Google Workspace for Education and other web-based tools and websites. The device is an educational tool which should not be used for gaming or social networking.
A Chromebook will be issued to each student when the parent has given permission by agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in NCLUSD Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Google Workspace for Education Agreements on Infosnap during registration for the new school year.